Learn How To Draw A Realistic Eye Drawing Sketch In 8 Easy Steps.
Looking for a method to draw a Realistic Eye drawing, you will get here with each described step.
Before drawing any things, we should have a little knowledge about it as it descended affects our artwork, therefore, the human eye is the specialized sense organ competent on receiving visible images, which carried to the brain, the two eyeball lies on the deep socket of the skull with the three major layers such as sclera, choroid and retina.
Let’s begin!!
Step 1
In this step to draw, you should first draw out the basic eye outline with the eyeball using a pencil mark and also outline the eyebrow as the model presented below.

Step 2
After obeying the first step, you should blend the light pencil shade in all parts with your hand or using cotton cloth living the white division on the eyeball as you could get out of the image below.

Step 3
In this step, you should draw the dark outline on the upper margin of the iris and also darken the eyelids and pupil as the image imagined below.

Step 4
In this step, you should blend the dark lines on the upper margin of the iris throughout the periphery of the iris also draw and blend the minor lines connecting the border of the iris and pupil, use dark blending on the edge of the sclera layer of the eye by witnessing the image divining here.

Step 5
In this step, you should blend the mid-dark blend pencil shading in all part of the eyes over the light blending drawn on the second step living white division on the lower eyelids.

Step 6
After moving with the above steps, you should again darken the pencil blending over the previous step to give the realistic sketching view and also outline the hair lining of the eyebrow using a thin drawing tools to provide the sharp fleshy hair as you could view out the image given below.

Step 7
In this step, you should draw out the dark fleshy hair lining of the eyelashes with the curve lines pointing towards the upper region over the eyelids as the figure given here.

Step 8
It is the last but one of the most effective steps as it is a finalizing step in which you should draw out the thin and light but few outline of the lower eyelashes as the figure given here, you should also erase out the unwanted blending distribution if it may be drawn.

You could also observe below the kinds of eye drawing images that you may decide to draw.

Here, is my YouTube video from which you will get to exciting drawing ideas, so do not forget to subscribe.
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